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Thursday, February 02, 2023


 Ellie pottered in to our room at 6:30 announcing that her light had turned yellow. The Gorse Fox suggested she played on her tablet until it was time to get up. By soon after 7:00 we were all up and about and when Ellie had finished breakfast and her ablutions, she go stuck in to her homework. This was all very fine until she misjudged the space left on the line and couldn't complete the word she was writing. A full-on grump set in. There was nothing the Gorse Fox could do - she was NOT going to finish that homework. (Fortunately, it isn't due until Monday).

The rest of Thursday morning was taken up with the Ocado delivery, the Sainsbury's trip and the accounts. Nothing worth mentioning.

`Early afternoon, the Silver Vixen was tucked away in her sewing room. The Gorse Fox made the most of an hour or so to do some more reading before we had to collect Ellie. Like most either days this week, the Gorse Fox took her on to the park while the Silver Vixen headed home. There was a very chilly wind so we didn't stay too long.

Back home, the Silver Vixen supervised while Ellie completed the homework... but not before she went into another grump over the word of the final sentence. For some reason she just didn't want to write it. Eventually, she finished it but not before we had had tears and a cuddle.

Urban-Cub has just been along to collect her.

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