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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Fight back

 Ellie was awake at six this morning. She was asking if Grandpa was downstairs... No he wasn't. He was pretending to be asleep still. She settled with her iPad for an hour and Grandpa managed to go downstairs and start on his first coffee before she emerged.

The Silver Vixen was off to Pilates, and Urban-Cub was taking Ellie to the child minder. The Gorse Fox had a quiet hour before he had to head off for football.

The Gorse Fox found himself playing for the yellow-bibs today. AT first sight this was going to be a hard game, and we had little chance of a win. By half time we had clawed back a 3-1 deficit to 3-3. Our movement and passing was beginning to give us the edge. By the end of the second half we had managed to win 6-3. 

It looks as if football will be changing. Jason, who runs the Walking Football, has resigned and is taking up a new role at Worthing Football Club. It's not immediately clear what will be happening about our regular sessions - though in the longer term we will probably transfer to Worthing Football Club.

When the Gorse Fox got back at lunchtime Urban-Cub had just heard that she hadn't been selected for an interview for an alternative role at Gatwick. She is, obviously, pretty devastated and is now trying to work out what her next steps will be. We will obviously help where we can, but we do feel for her as 2020 has been a bit of disaster for her. She has a feedback call on Friday so we will be interested to hear the excuses that will be used (bearing in mind she knows some of the poor performers who have succeeded, and some of the top performers who haven't - this is clearly a case of who you are mates with).

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