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Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Well, it wasn't as wet as yesterday. In fact, when the Gorse Fox first came downstairs, it wasn't raining at all. The morning had a promising look. It was a fairly typical Wednesday with the Silver Vixen getting ready for her trip across to Angmering for Pilates, Urban-Cub taking Ellie to the child-minder and the Gorse Fox getting ready for football.

It had started to rain as the Gorse Fox approached Worthing. Typical, he thought. By the time he arrived though, it had stopped. We kicked off with some seriously uneven teams. It was very much a case of attack versus defence. This meant that Gorse Fox was going to be up against it, but at least he had ex-professional, Ian, alongside him to hold the fort. Well at least he did have for about 10 minutes. Then Ian twisted awkwardly and hurt his back. He had to go off. The other team took immediate advantage and the Gorse Fox felt like the boy who put his finger in the dyke in Holland... trouble was we didn't have a dyke, we had a colander. On top of that, it started to rain again. Not sure what the final score was, but the Gorse Fox thinks it was about 7-2. Pah!

Back home, Urban-Cub was back in bed. She explained that she was feeling rather sick and had been since the very early hours. The Gorse Fox made sympathetic noises and volunteered to collect Ellie from the child-minder at the end of the day.

The Silver Vixen came home early afternoon. She had followed up the Pilates by going for a coffee with her friends. Once she was back, we had a quiet afternoon before the Gorse Fox started preparing the vegetables for dinner so that they were all ready by the time he got back from collecting Ellie. You'd almost think he was organised!

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