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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Who is that masked stranger?

It's been a relaxing day. A leisurely breakfast was followed by a return to the study. Several of the videos that the Gorse Fox reviewed yesterday were candidates for some further tweaking. In the end three videos were recast and rendered. This took the whole morning.

The Gorse Fox headed across to Sainsbury's. There were several items that Ocado couldn't provide this week, and it was time to restock. In his ongoing count of masked strangers the Gorse Fox observed one other shopper and one member of staff wearing face masks. 

The afternoon saw a first rough-cut of a video from our day at Disney's Magic Kingdom, in Florida back in 1989. This will need some serious review and further editing as it is still nearly 30 minutes long and hasn't yet had any work done on the audio track. It did, however, bring back some lovely memories of when Cousteau-Cub and Urban-Cub were little.

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