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Monday, June 15, 2020

Epcot and MGM

No the Gorse Fox has not been out on his travels. It is lockdown, after all!

Today has seen a first "rough cut" video edit done for out day at Epcot Center and another day at Disney MGM back in 1989. Both require a lot more work, but the bones of each of the videos are there. There's work to do on the audio levels, on fades, and on continuity, but the first cut is done.

While the Gorse Fox was busy in "the editing suite" the Silver Vixen, Urban-Cub and Ellie went to the shops for some stuff for Ellie. She came home with some "dressing up" clothes and had to give grandpa a fashion show.

Urban-Cub managed to find a bargain for Cousteau-Cub and the Coventry Hobbit. It was a small Flymo styled lawn mower. This will be ideal for their small patch of lawn and at £25 was quite a bargain. She went and collected it from the seller in Bognor and whizzed it across to Chichester for them.

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