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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Stay Alert

It's been a fabulously hot day. The Gorse Fox had opened up the house first thing and has managed to keep a few through-drafts and some rooms have remained cool, thank goodness.

Urban-Cub and Ellie went off to see the Princess and her family today, leaving the Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen to fend for themselves. The Silver Vixen had her Zoom Pilates this morning and the Gorse Fox used the time to work on a couple of videos from a holiday in Arizona in 1990.

Now, perhaps the Gorse Fox should explain that today is Tinkerbell's birthday. In the spirit of neighbourliness we had agreed to meet at a suitable distance for a cup of tea in their garden. Knowing how worried she has been during the pandemic of disease transmission, the Gorse Fox though it only fair to take suitable precautions when we wandered over this afternoon.

He doesn't consider this overkill, bearing in mind he had just been to Sainsbury's, and it is only fair that he is cautious when visiting after so long.

It did make it very difficult to chat, drink tea, and eat the chocolate biscuits that we had taken with us.

We did have a lovely afternoon chatting sociably for the first time in months and covering every subject from COVID-19 to 5-star accommodation on the Isle of Wight and everything in between.


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