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Friday, June 26, 2020

Desert South West

Ellie slept through the night, without incident. At about 7:15 this morning she woke and was happy to come downstairs with Grandad (as long as he showed Fireman Sam on the TV). He obliged.

Urban-Cub was back by mid-morning and while Ellie was delighted to see here, she turned defiant later in the morning. Defiant to the point that the Gorse Fox had to step in and tell her that it was time she behaved and showed some respect to he mother. The Gorse Fox suspects that the shock did the trick as she has been fine for most of the rest of the day.

The Gorse Fox managed to complete two further videos today. Both from our holiday in Arizona in 1990. The first covered trips to Tucson, the the Old Tucson studios, and through the Superstition Mountains and along the Apache Trail. The second was our trip to Sedona, through Oak Creek Canyon, and on to the Grand Canyon. It may be 30 years ago, but the memories came flooding back... particularly the bit where the Gorse Fox commented on the views of the Painted Desert in Utah, and how long it must have taken to paint it. At this point Urban-Cub chimed in and asked who actually did the painting.

Mid-afternoon, we went along to to Sales Suite for the development. We were moving to the next stage of the purchase process and Urban-Cub needed to be shown all of the nitty-gritty details of the house. It took well over an hour, but we left feeling well-informed and under no illusions regarding what she would get for her money.

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