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Saturday, September 07, 2024


It was a lazy start but I was ready for the call with my cousins at nine.  The call was the usual three-quarters of an hour of general rubbish and banter. Nothing extraordinary came to the surface.

Di seemed to spend much of the morning on the phone with Zoe. While one of the calls was in progress, there was a knock at the door. It was Ellie (with friends) calling for her scooter which had been left here. I took the opportunity to pin the GPS Tracker to the inside of her sweatshirt before she headed back out.

I managed to get in touch with the insurance company and register the start of a claim for Jasper's vet fees. They sent through a claims form which we have filled in and forwarded to the vets for completion. Let's hope all goes through without a problem.

The rest of the morning was spent working with some of Ellie's school photos. I was hoping to use my A3 scanner but even when I finally got it working, It always cut at least one pupil off the end of the image. In the end, I used the A4 scanner and scanned each end of the image then processed it with PhotoShop and its AI Photo Merge. This was very impressive. I didn't have to line anything up... just open the images in question and tell it to go ahead. The finished image was crisp and clear and showed no sign of the "stitch".

I managed some Kindle time this afternoon before starting to prepare chicken curry for my dinner. Di, in the meantime, was doing some goldwork on a needlepoint frame.

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