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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

TV Guide

We were up early so that Ellie could be dropped off. Getting up early wasn't an issue as Jasper had enjoyed a crazy 15 minutes soon after 5 a.m. and we were both dozing for the rest of the night.

Ellie had her breakfast and then went to wash and dress. Once she was ready she headed to the lounge to spend some time listening to music and dancing. I hid in the kitchen and read the news. Once E~llie had been dropped off at school, we returned home for breakfast.

The morning was spent doing admin. One outstanding item was to get the central heating controls working from Diane's phone. I spent an hour reading background data so that I could reset the password on the control unit. Finally, with an idea of what was needed, I fired up the app on Di' phone. Bang! It worked the first time and all my research had been unnecessary.

After lunch, I started to write a guide on using the TV now that we have EETV in control. This was predominantly for Diane's benefit so that she could control things when I was not available. 

After some Kindle time, I went to collect Ellie and had the opportunity to go into class and see the work she had been doing. It was impressive how much they have done and it was nice to see a chart showing how many points the children had earned through the year. Ellie was well into the top half... but a fair way from the top. As we left, we met up with Zoe who had managed to leave work early. 

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