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Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 There was no hurry to get up this morning. I was irritated, therefore, when my bladder demanded attention at 07:00. Plumbing under control, I wandered downstairs for some coffee and to settle down with the overnight news.

When breakfast was over and we had cleared away (the staff had the day off), we went to Sainsbury's for our weekly shop. I checked, while there, whether they needed advanced notice for Foreign Exchange to Turkish Lira. It appears not. It is one of their standard currencies. We completed the shop without hindrance from the usual zombies and morons. Wednesday is clearly a better day to shop.

For the last few days, our dashcam has been hanging loose. The glue had failed - as it does in hot weather -  but fortunately I had a spare mounting plate. After cleaning the window with acetone, I fixed the new mount and checked the camera alignment. All is well and our trips can be recorded once more.

After lunch, the focus turned to our forthcoming trip. The cabin bag I ordered yesterday arrived and Di wants to check whether she should get something similar. We were discussing the dining options for our arrival as we would be hungry but not eager to cook. Darren has sent more information regarding the location and accommodation. It is clear that there are plenty of restaurants in the town, and you can also have food delivered. I'm sure we'll check out these options in the next few days.

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