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Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Roll me away

 We were up in time for Ellie's drop-off. She turned up on roller skates and informed me that she was going to wear them on the way to school. After some breakfast, she went to wash and dress and then came back down to do some reading with Grandpa before school.

Once we were back from the school run and had munched our way through breakfast we prepared for a trip to the shops. We made a radical change to the weekly trip. It wasn't just that we shopped on Wednesday, it was the fact that we had an M&S chaser. We love the Southern Fried chicken tenders that they sell, and we were running low. Whilst in the store I picked up a Korean salad and noodle bowl for my lunch. The Korean bowl was delicious and I will certainly have that again.

Back from the shops, there was some traditional admin to complete. Finally, we managed to get some Kindle time. I did, however, cut it short so that I could return to the guide I was writing for our EETV setup. I finished that just in time to collect Ellie from school.

Ellie was full of beans when she got in but has just been collected by Zoe.

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