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Monday, July 08, 2024


Despite a poor night's sleep, I was up early so Ellie could be dropped off. Darren announced that she was complaining of a sore throat and that her tummy hurt. We ignored this, and within ten minutes she was her usual self. We dropped her off at school and then returned for breakfast.

The first order of the day was to check the latest Oak Furniturelan sales. Sure enough, the sofa we bought yesterday had dropped by £200 overnight. I phoned the store (as the sales agent had suggested) and he confirmed that he would contact the accounts department and get the difference refunded. That was a good start to the day.

I mentioned that I had acquired a Visio license to allow me to do diagramming through a browser using my favourite diagramming tool. Well, try as I may I couldn't get it to work. I phoned Microsoft customer support and was connected to an agent in India. She listened patiently to my description of the problem and proceeded to prompt me through a number of hoops for the next hour or so. Each hoop ended up back. where I had started. I was no further forward and when the line dropped, I decided that enough was enough and I cancelled the license. (She asked at one point if she could remotely connect to my system! You won't be surprised to hear that I declined).

Next on the agenda was a trip to B&Q for some grey paint. With the new sofas on order, we decided that the coffee table needed tidying up. I sanded down the old wood finish and painted it with grey paint (which will go nicely with the sofas and the blinds). I'm very pleased with the outcode.

We collected Ellie from school and she stayed with us for dinner. Originally she was going to stay the night, but Zoe's shifts changed so she went home. We had some post-prandial Kindle time before settling down in front of the TV.

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