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Friday, July 05, 2024


The trouble with democracy is that sometimes you do not get the outcome that you would like. After yesterday's elections, we have a Labour Government with a large majority. Whatever my perception of this result, they are now the Government of the UK and I would make the following observations...

  • I hope they do a good job for the country.
  • I hope that, for once, they manage our finances sensibly.
  • I hope that, for once,  they do not leave office with higher levels of unemployment than when they entered.
  • I hope they do not allow the Trades Unions to hold the country to ransom by weakening the strike laws.
  • I hope that they treat legal immigrants with sensitivity.
  • I hope that they are kind to people who are unable to work through illness or disability but are ruthless with those who can't be bothered to work.
  • I hope that they put an end to two-tier policing and treat everyone equally, be they farmers, Muslims, veterans, or whatever.
  • I hope they put an end to the misogyny of "trans" rights, which disenfranchises women.
  • I hope they invest in the UK's defence, as it has never been more important.
  • I hope they genuinely do something about the NHS - but fear that all they will do is pour more money into a bucket with a hole in it.
  • I hope they will put the country and families ahead of trendy ideals and apply a sense check to some of the policies espoused by the glitterati.
I want the UK to benefit from its government... so Good Luck to them.

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