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Friday, July 28, 2023

Wet Start

There was a wet start to the day but it soon dried up and was pleasantly warm (if not sunny) for most of the day. Diane had an appointment at the hairdresser but was now mobile again so I stayed put and got on with some chores. (Japser seemed to have left a complete backup of himself scattered across the upstairs landing and our bedroom - I'll be glad when he stops moulting - but I'd never criticise a backup!)

We have heard from a DNA match. This person is, ostensibly, a 2nd or 3rd cousin to Diane. I wrote to her to try and find the connection. As a 2nd/3rd cousin, the link must be through great or great-great-grandparents. I sent her a list of all the individuals. She wrote back to say that she doesn't recognise any of their names, so I assume she hasn't done any research worth noting.

I had a random query from Darren this afternoon. A client of his has had an idea regarding black box flight recorders. Could I advise, or would I like to get involved? Given that I left the aerospace industry in 1984, I would humbly suggest that my input is unlikely to be current! Even when I was involved, I never got into the technology for flight recorders.

Spent some of the afternoon reading. Another book bites the dust.

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