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Friday, August 12, 2022

The Heat is On

 Another glorious day. The temperature up into the 30s and hardly a breath of wind.

The Silver Vixen had Betty Rubble visiting for the day and they swept off to lunch on her hybrid broomstick. The Gorse Fox was left to his own devices. This gave him a chance to answer a couple of overdue emails, do the accounts, update the Family Tree Maker software, and update the SatNav on the Skoda. A very fruitful day.

There was a chance to do a bot of reading in the afternoon before they got back from lunch. That's about all there is to report today... though the Gorse Fox may have found a company that can sort out our bathroom mirror (at long last). He will have to take the failed unit along to Havant for them to take a look... but that can wait until next week.

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