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Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 The Gorse Fox was up before seven. There was no need to be, he was awake and getting fidgety, so got up. He must have disturbed the Silver Vixen as she was up about 30 minutes later.

A message came in from the Urban-Cub. She was off to Chichester later with Ellie and one of her friends... the Silver Vixen was subtly invited along. She got ready and wandered off round the corner to join the trip. The Gorse Fox stayed put.

The primary task for today was to vote in the leadership election for the Conservative Party. The Gorse Fox has been undecided for weeks and had hoped that some clear water would emerge between the candidates. No such luck. He spent several hours reading through their espoused plans and tried to rationalise them against the best outcome for the Country. In the end he made his choice. He suspects that he will lose, but that's elections for you!

We have just received a text from Lady Penelope. It appears the Old Bill's operation is complete and the surgeon is happy with the outcome. Let us just hope that his recovery will be sustained and complete.

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