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Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 It was a bright start to the day. The Gorse Fox was beginning to wonder if the cancellation of the helicopter flight was really necessary, but by the time the original schedule rolled round it was poring with rain and the cancellation was fully justified.

After the odd chores and a quick update on the accounts, the Gorse Fox dug into the family tree. There has been a recent update to the software and there has been some new DNA information. It was time to update the details on one cousin. That's when it all fell apart. There appears to be a pernicious bug somewhere that stops certain updates being applied and synchronised with Ancestry. That blew the next few hours. The old files have been stored but a new master has been downloaded as a basis for future work. The Gorse Fox is not 100% happy with this as he suspects there may be some information that has been dropped. He will keep the old trees on a backup so that anything that proves to be missing can be retrieved.

The Silver Vixen has spent the day in her workroom sewing.

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