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Monday, August 22, 2022


 Ellie wandered into our bedroom at 6:18. She said that she couldn't find her tooth but the tooth fairy hadn't been. The Gorse Fox suggested that she look under her pillow. She trotted off, went back to bed and we didn't hear a sound from her until 7:45. Perfect.

We all had a leisurely breakfast and when the girls went up to get washed and dressed, the Gorse Fox decided to sort out the DashCam.

As we left here to drive to Brighton yesterday, the DashCam failed to start properly and spent the whole journey chiming at us. When we arrived, the Gorse Fox tried to switch it off or disconnect it. Nothing worked. In the end he unplugged it from the car's circuits and allowed it to run its battery to zero. The journey home was much more peaceful.

A little bit of Googling revealed that this is the outcome when th SDCard fails. The Gorse Fox removed the car, reformatted it on the MacBook, and ran some diagnostics on the card. Everything seemed correct. The battery was recharged, the DashCam reset button was pressed and then the SDCard reintroduced into the unit. Everything burst into life correctly. DashCam has been reinstalled in the car.

Much of the rest of the day has been spent tag-teaming with the Silver Vixen to keep Ellie amused. It was good to see her sit down with the Silver Vixen and do some sewing on the sewing machine. She has made a very good start at making a purse. She was also eager to sit down with the Gorse Fox and go through her phonics flash cards... all of which she got right.

Urban-Cub has just collected her.

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