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Monday, December 13, 2021


 After the morning's school run with Ellie, we buried ourselves in the kitchen. It was grey and damp outside and certainly didn't encourage any excursions.

The Silver Vixen had a call scheduled with a girlfriend. The Gorse Fox used the time to stow all of the residual decorations and their containers back in the garage. He has this down to a fine art, using large plastic crates which slot into predetermined locations in the garage loft. It probably took less than ten minutes all together.

Orangery cleared, the Gorse Fox then plucked up the courage to make a start on the Christmas cards. The labels, printed yesterday, acted as a checklist and, one by one, he worked his way through. When the Silver Vixen finished her call she sat down and joined in the task. It took a few hours but, for the first time in years (if not ever) we got through the whole list in a single sitting. Those destined for the post are all stamped and awaiting a trip to the mail box. The others await hand delivery.

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