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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Out of the Frying Pan

 A deliciously lazy start to the day. The Gorse Fox was up soon after 7:15, the Silver Vixen about an hour later. There was nothing planned. There was no reason to hurry. We read the papers and had our breakfast. It was the perfect start.

Frequent readers will have noticed that the Gorse Fox has not mentioned the football. We decided that, with the current resurgence of C-19 Omicron cases, playing indoors was probably asking for trouble. We cancelled the game. The Gorse Fox has, however, taken another lateral flow test during the day, and it has come up negative.

once up and about, we headed in to Chichester. The Gorse Fox was determined to change our current roasting pans and trays. A trip to John Lewis was the chosen solution. The Silver Vixen went off on her own to get some serving dishes, towels and plates. The Gorse Fox waded through the selection of cookware looking for the best or most sensible replacements for our ageing and decaying pans. It took a while to find the right solution, but in the end it seemed like an excellent choice.

The Gorse Fox did look, briefly, at the le Creuset roasting pan. It was £185 and had a lifetime guarantee. Now, the Gorse Fox is (rapidly) approaching 70. £185 seems like a lot of money when the Gorse Fox's lifeline will probably expire many years before that of the the roasting tin.

This afternoon we have been completing some domestic chores and doing a bit more family tree research. Pistol Pete dropped Ellie off and she stayed with us until Urban-Cub got back from work and her booster jab.

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