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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Amateur Research

 Another lovely lazy morning. There was the usual cousins' call but then, throughout the day there were the odd chores that needed attention, but most of the day has been focussed on the family tree.

Over the last few days the Gorse Fox has found the various side branches to the Silver Vixen's ancestral tree. He had made a quick drive through the generations to see where it would take us. As far as these families are concerned, we seem to be centred around Frome and Pilton. Today was all about going through those discoveries and filling in whatever details and accompanying evidence were available. It was frustrating at times, but we now have the documented evidence to support the assertions made yesterday. The Gorse Fox can feel the need for a road trip to take some photos and trawl through some graveyards.

On the the subject of evidence and doing "sense checks" - the Gorse Fox has complained before about the stupidity that is found in some online trees. Today he has found another example. He found a case were a certain Katherin did, according to 3 researchers, have her first child at the age of 9. Needless to say, the researchers had just copied each other and none of them had shown the slightest modicum of intelligence. In fact, when it comes to this family the Gorse Fox has concluded that it is a waste of time looking at the trees that "Ancestry" suggests are relevant. Firstly, they are poorly researched, secondly they have no credible sources, and thirdly they waste so much time. For goodness sake people - do it right or don't do it at all.

On a completely unrelated tack, we currently have the Water Board (or whatever they are now called) outside the house. Apparently, there have been problems "upstream" which they have been investigating and are now ensuring there are no further problems near our part of the "flow". The Gorse Fox has just been out to offer them tea, but they declined. It seemed the right thing to do as they were working on a Saturday evening. 

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