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Thursday, December 23, 2021


The Gorse Fox was up at his usual time. Though the alarm was not set, he woke and rose at 7:00. There were no specific plans for the day. He did, however, think about the preparation of the ham. Was the saucepan big enough to immerse it? Would the fluid end up all over the stove? He decided to measure the joint. It would not submerge in any existing pan.

The Gorse Fox headed off to John Lewis. Whilst the car park was packed, the store seemed quite empty. The Gorse Fox perused the cookware and, in the end, selected a large stock pot. Now, when he says large, he has realised that the Silver Vixen can actually do laps back and forth across it, and the Gorse Fox would need a Scuba tank, a regulator, fins, and a mask to find the bottom. Oh well, at least the ham will now be covered.

John Lewis was followed by a quick dash round M&S for some milk and some vegetables. It was crammed in there, but as usual, the self-service checkouts were under-used so the Gorse Fox was out within a few minutes.

We have finally heard that Urban-Cub does, in fact, have C-19, but that Ellie is clear. This means that Ellie can go to Pistol Pete over Christmas to give Urban-Cub a bit of relief.

It's been a quiet afternoon. The Gorse Fox did some of Urban-Cub's ironing, then returned to his study for some more family tree research. It was a fruitful session, even if there were no major breakthroughs.

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