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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Key Moments

 It has been a miserable day weather-wise. Grey, damp, and occasionally wet. As far as Thursdays go, it was fairly typical. We had the Ocado delivery and then did our Sainsbury's top-up. Urban-Cub has finally got a negative Lateral Flow Test but still has to remain indoors for another day. Fortunately, that takes her to the weekend, which she was scheduled to have off anyway.

The Gorse Fox probably mentioned that he had got thoroughly fed up with the keypad that he bought for the iPad. On the dot of 10:00 this morning, UPS arrived and delivered the Logitech replacement he ordered last week. It is a little heavier, a little more robust, and best of all it seems to work flawlessly. It also has a lovely key-feel (which was always something the Gorse Fox disliked about the Apple keypad). So far, he is very pleased with his purchase - particularly as it was half the price of its Apple predecessor.

The afternoon has been spent working on the family tree. Today's approach was a little different. The Gorse Fox started working through DNA matches and trying to link them up to our tree. There were several successes, and several where the Gorse Fox could get with one generation of the matching person. It does, however, flesh out some parts of the tree that were looking a little sparse.

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