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Friday, April 24, 2020

Three forward and One back

The Gorse Fox has had a mixed day. It's been a case of taking several steps forward on the rebuild of "tawnyowl" and then the occasional step backwards. To add to the fun there is the occasional "Grandpa will you come down and play with me?" The first time that call came this morning the Gorse Fox was cajoled into folding himself into her tiny wigwam and pretending to sleep. He played along. This afternoon he has been following her around, reading to her, and pushing her in her swing. The Silver Vixen has been preparing the finishing touches on the dress she is making for Ellie and had another tea & chat on the driveway with Tinkerbell and Lady Penelope first thing this afternoon.

Back in the study, "tawnyowl" now has the "Mariadb" installed, along with PHP and Rexx/SQL. The issue at close of play is that Wordpress is playing hard-to-get. The Gorse Fox is not overly concerned. He will return to this tomorrow. Once everything is working he will probably trash the system again and go through the whole rebuild script from the beginning to ensure it is working correctly. (This is important because he suspects that there will be value in upgrading "peregrine" in the near future, and that's the "production" version of the private blog).

Urban-Cub took Ellie across to LA for a weekend with Pistol Pete.

The Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox spent a quiet hour in the garden enjoying a rum and coke and imagining we were in Jamaica. It was warm and sunny and other than the lack of background reggae music and a butler to keep bringing the drinks, it was easy to imagine.

The garden is looking particularly handsome at present. The Acers are wonderful and lush. We were hoping to plant several more in the ground in the early spring but missed the opportunity because of the lockdown and difficulty in getting the right compost. We'll wait unit they are dormant in the Autumn and plant them rather than leaving them too much longer in their pots.

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