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Saturday, April 11, 2020


The lockdown continues. In general, people seem to be following the Government advice, though there are always some morons who think that they know better, are immune, and don't care if they carry the infection to other people. He feels that a uni-lateral knee-capping is perfectly in order for these people; it's firm but fair.

The other thing about the lockdown or at least the furloughing of many workers is they get the chance to experience what it's like to be retired. They are, of course, complaining about the effort required deciding when to get up in the morning, whether to get dressed, what to do, and whether it is acceptable to a) watch TV all day, and b) start drinking before 10 o'clock. The Gorse Fox can put their minds at rest: 7 o'clock; yes, immediately; read, learn, write, exercise; NO; and NO.

The weather today has been beautiful once again. The Gorse Fox did, however, have to spend a chunk of the morning in the study. He had received an alert overnight, informing him that one of his backups had errors. He re-ran it and realised that it is an absolute monster. He decided that that particular set of subsystems should be broken into 5 component backups. Each was crafted and all but the last run and tested. The last one will run for over an hour and he decided to wait for the schedule to kick-in overnight.

Urban-cub and the SilverVixen have been doing some Easter crafts for Ellie and the children in the neighbourhood. Our front window will be plastered with painted Easter eggs for them to spot on the walks. Once that was done they retired to the sun deck for the duration.

The Gorse Fox headed out for a walk. The problem with this area is that there are few local countryside walks. As a result, he ended up walking the local streets. Nice exercise, but hardly inspiring.

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