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Thursday, April 30, 2020


Its been a day of two parts. The first part was bright and sunny, but a little windy. The second part was dark and brooding and interspersed with very heavy rain. The Gorse Fox made the most of the morning brightness to walk to the pharmacy to collect a prescription for a neighbour. It was a lovely stretch and, with no queue at the pharmacy, the Gorse Fox was there and back in about 45 minutes.

Once home, he retired to the study. The new NAS arrived yesterday evening and he has spent much of the day going through 37 introductory videos to ensure he understood the features and functions. (Isn't it a good job you can play YouTube videos at 1.5x or 2x speed?) Once that was done, he started to migrate some data from the existing NAS to the new one. He's taking this slowly as the new device presents itself to the various systems very differently from the old ones. As a result he is limiting the files, at first, to those accessed by Condor. He then needs to satisfy himself that, when Condor shuts down, it can find the new NAS again without intervention. Once that is sorted out, it will be a similar exercise for the Raspberry Pis, and the various other Linux computers. When the Gorse Fox is convinced the device is correctly mounted at startup for all systems, then he can complete the various file transfers and clean things up on the way.

Another feature that is different between the old and new NAS devices is support for streaming media. This will take a little bit of experimentation to decide whether to use the inbuilt features or to bite the bullet and build a Plex server on a new Pi.

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