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Friday, April 17, 2020


It's wet and grey today.

The Gorse Fox started the morning with a little wander round the house with the new security cameras. The idea was to check that they had a strong enough signal to allow the Gorse Fox to mount them at both the front porch and at the bottom of the garden. The portents were good. It was raining heavily, however, so the actual fixing could wait.

The blog extract software has failed again, the way it did earlier in the week. Maybe the Gorse Fox will have to raise a concerted and concentrated effort to construct some new code after all. There several "gotchas" that make this less than straightforward. 1) Regina rexx supports SQL, but not JSON; 2) Object Rexx supports JSON, but the Gorse Fox has never managed to get it to connect with SQL on the Raspberry Pi; 3) Python should be able to do both but he's having trouble installing some of the required libraries. To add insult to injury, the Gorse Fox thinks he'll have to rebuild "tawnyowl" after one attempt to install some pre-requirements went drastically wrong. Pah!

The rain stopped. The cameras have been mounted and now provide surveillance for the front of the house and the whole of the garden. WIth the old camera covering the driveway, we are now pretty well covered.

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