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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Shops and things

The Gorse Fox was up early. The Ocado shopping list needed to be entered and refined, and experience from the last few weeks has taught the Gorse Fox that early morning is best. He also took the opportunity to book a delivery for 3 weeks time... keeping a weekly delivery slot in place for us.

Once everyone else started their morning faffing about the Gorse Fox retired to the study and made use of the time by re-testing the database restore process from his backups. This was important because he is about to start rebuilding "tawnyowl" and needs to feel confident there will be no unforeseen problems with the test database.

With everything under control he linked the "pi" up to the little TV and started the installation. Well, that would have been the theory. In fact he did nothing. The little TV clearly was so old that it did not support any HDMI mode that the Raspberry Pi could attempt. Stymied.

By midday everyone else was about ready so Urban-Cub, Ellie and the Gorse Fox headed off to walk to Sainsbury's. There was a fair list of items that Ocado did not have in stock so we needed to source ourselves. While we completed our shopping trip/exercise session, the Silver Vixen completed her Pilates. This was conducted by her usual instructor, using a series of sessions she has uploaded to YouTube.

The afternoon was spent mostly in the garden. Ellie had some quiet time in the lounge so we sat in the garden and made the most of a an hour or so of peace. During this time, the Silver Vixen's new overlocker was delivered and she has spent the rest of the afternoon reading the manual. The device itself still sits in the delivery box.

The Gorse Fox almost made use of the time and connected up "tawnyowl" to the TV in the family room and started the installation. Again, he was thwarted. This time the TV functioned correctly but when he selected the particular installation option it returned and error message to say there was insufficient space on the 8GB SDCard. Pah! New 16GB and 32GB cards have been ordered. Everything has been put away overnight.

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