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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Strange Easter

It’s Easter Sunday, but it seems strange. The lockdown means that there is no family get-together of any sort. No celebration as such. It was good news, however, that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, was discharged from hospital.

The Gorse Fox received three separate warnings overnight regarding errors during backups. This warranted some further investigation. So it was that after breakfast he retired, once again, to the study and started examining the errors. As he said earlier this year, he suspects he has a drive that is failing. Re-running two of the backups was sufficient, in these cases. The third backup, however, was more problematic. This was the photo library, and it’s huge. In the end he decided to split the backup into a series of smaller jobs. This may not solve the problem, but it should limit the extent. Meanwhile he has to determine what to do about the failing drive.... but that’s what he said last time (and did nothing in the end)!

The Silver Vixen was pottering in the garden, when the Gorse Fox came down. He helped a bit by moving some stuff about and removing a faux window that was rotting.

After lunch he settled down in the garden with Urban-Cub. And the Silver Vixen. Urban-Cub has a laptop that is slow to the point of being unusable. He decided to take a look. In the end he ran Linux on it just so that he could look around and find out what was there. It has a large (almost empty) hard drive, and about 4GB of RAM... but is totally unusable. We have decided to clear it right down to the bare bones and rebuild those application that are necessary. It’s too bright in the garden, however, so that will have to wait for another day.

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