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Friday, December 14, 2018


It's a chilly one today.

After breakfast we headed in to Chichester to examine the washing machines we had looked at online yesterday. It's important to get the measurements right but both seem suitable for our needs. We just need to decide when we wish to go ahead; fortunately there is no panic as the existing machine does still work. - even if it takes a bit of nursing.

The Silver Vixen had Xmas lunch scheduled with some girlfriends. The Gorse Fox drove her across to the restaurant - and it was a good job too! There was absolutely no parking anywhere nearby, but he was able to just drop her off and head back home.

He's spent the last hour playing with Google App Scripts for the spreadsheets. This is now achieving what the Gorse Fox had wanted and he can now easily track the latest modifications to any cell in the spreadsheet. Very satisfying.

He's also done a bit of reorganisation and this has allowed him to stow the big suitcases away, so he no longer has to worry about the space they were occupying in the Silver Vixen's sewing room. Now, if only we could get rid of the baby equipment that Ellie has outgrown.

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