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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Quiet, so quiet

 It was long after 7:00 before Ellie appeared in our bedroom. "Grandpa, my clock says it is after 7 and the light has turned green" she announced. The Gorse Fox replied "That's fine, you can sit and watch the iPad as there is no hurry today" and so she went back to her room and we had another15 minutes in bed.

Pistol Pete was coming to pick Ellie up at 10:00, so we (by that, assume the Silver Vixen) had to ensure she was washed and dressed in plenty of time. While they were going through their ablutions, the Gorse Fox took care of the Ocado delivery. When Ellie emerged she made straight for her new desk and chair and sat there colouring until Pistol Pete arrived.

The rest of the morning was occupied with a trip to Sainsbury's and some research as to how the Silver Vixen and Cousteau-Cub can best get up to London at the end of next week (given that the best paid railway worker in Europe are on strike for more money and no changes to their ridiculously cushy working conditions).

We both spent the afternoon with our books until Ellie was dropped back. She immediately returned to her desk where she switched on her tablet and proceeded to explore until she found an app that made fart noises. That was it. She was amused from then until Urban-Cub came to collect her.

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