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Monday, March 14, 2022


 It was a quiet start as Urban-Cub wasn't due into work until a bit later. This meant that the Gorse Fox could wander round to escort them to school at about 8:30, but could chill until then.

Once breakfast was over, the Silver Vixen disappeared upstairs and the Gorse Fox pottered round to the barber shop. The Kurdish barber (who speak excellent English) was on a 3-way call with his father (who doesn't) and their energy company. He was busy prompting his father through the various menu options until they got to a customer service agent. At that point he dropped off and left his father to it. The Gorse Fox suspects that was a difficult call for the agent.

As usual, the Gorse Fox received the full treatment from the barber and left feeling renewed. (Though it was a bit chilly round the ears).

The Gorse Fox put an entry on a Polish Genealogy forum. Within the hour he had a very useful response and copy of the certificate that he was seeking. This afternoon, he delved further. Several further certificates were forthcoming. Agent Mulderski's family is beginning too make sense (but only beginning).

We collected Ellie from school. She will be staying with us overnight.

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