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Monday, March 28, 2022


A nice easy start to the day. The Gorse Fox went round to take Ellie to school and then hung on to see the parents of Ellie's friend Tyke. It's his birthday today and we had a little present for him. They were clearly running late and in the end the Gorse Fox brought the present back home. It could be handed over at the end of the day.

The Gorse Fox retuned to the photos. He tidied up and simplified the code and started to test. The code seemed to do everything that was asked of it during the testing. Then, he ran it against a real download of photos for the library. It started but then hung. He tried to fund the culprit. Eventually, he tracked down a small cluster of files that caused the problem. But why? After some digging about he realised these photos didn't have any "exif" data. They had originally been sent via social media, then uploaded by Urban-Cub. The trip through social media (WhatsApp) had stripped all the useful information. This was a case for which the Gorse Fox had not planned. In the end, the code was changed. These files are now reported and no attempt is made to file automatically. These will require manual intervention.

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