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Saturday, March 12, 2022

A quiet day

 The Gorse Fox and the Silver Vixen have had a quiet day. There was the usual cousins' call at 9:00 but nothing else sullied the schedule. On the call., it was good to hear that one of the Aussie cousins has got his flights booked to attend their reunion. The Gorse Fox and the Silver Vixen will also be there, and it will be nice to meet them all in person. Zoom, somehow, doesn't quite make the grade.

The Silver Vixen was intent on tidying up the front garden. The Gorse Fox doesn't get too involved, unless there is something that demands his intervention. Today his focus was on unwrapping the back garden. Chairs and tables were moved back into position, and waterproof covers were laid out to dry and then folded and stowed until next winter.

The rest of the, glorious, cloud-free day was spent working on the ancestors of Agent Mulderski. The Gorse Fox has to conclude that he (Agent Mulderski) has far more cousins than he could have imagined. The biggest problem remains that facts that a) access to Canadian vital records is crap; and b) there is even less online access to Polish records.

On a completely separate note, the Gorse Fox has football in the morning and having run his team selection algorithm, he has no doubt that he will be on the losing side tomorrow.

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