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Saturday, November 06, 2021


 Well yesterday's input was limited to a slice of toast with honey and a small bowl of porridge early in the evening. Things were clearly on the mend when the Gorse Fox experienced some hunger pangs just before bed.

This morning he has woken up feeling his normal self (whatever that is worth). As Saturdays go, it was fairly typical. There was the morning call with the cousins... always fun, but lifted this week by Helen dressing as a pirate for the call. There is now talk of doing a pirate based call in the New Year. The Gorse Fox must consider his options.

It was interesting, on the call, to hear of Chris's experiences in Turkey where they have to scan in to most venues for track and trace, but also to show their vaccine status. Without a clear response they cannot enter various establishments or use public transport. Apparently, it works like clockwork.

Once the call was done, the Gorse Fox caught up on the accounts (which had been ignored for a few days) and then switched to the family tree. On Monday we are meeting the Silver Vixen's mysterious cousin and the Gorse Fox thought she might appreciate some additional background to her family. He has produced several reports, but in the end decided that there was only one that was worth printing.

Talking of family trees, the Gorse Fox's non-cousin - but pseudo cousin - Tina had asked about her family when we met at the funeral last Monday. The Gorse Fox decided to delve into his data and see what he could find. Unfortunately, because of her Irish heritage, it was very difficult to dig up a lot of information. By switching between research tools, however, the Gorse Fox did manage to drive her family back another generation. He does find it tiresome that some priests, along with writing in Latin, had dreadful handwriting. With family names like Scanlan and O'Kelly getting much further is like searching for a needle in a haystack that's been hit by a tornado. He has sent her the information he does have.

Cousteau-Cub and the Coventry Hobbit dropped in for a while this afternoon. It was lovely to see them. Though we have spoken and exchanged the odd messages, it it probably the first time we have seen them since we went out for dinner on Cousteau-Cub's birthday. She's having a bit of rough time at present with her back and was just on the way back from the chiropractor. She's also still waiting to get a start date for her new job... which is dragging on and on.

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