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Tuesday, January 01, 2019


It had been a late night. We had a curry with Tinkerbell and Two Hats. The restaurant was very busy and they were struggling to cope. Though our table was booked for 19:30 it was 21:00 before our meal was actually served. This is way too late for the Silver Vixen and the Gorse Fox. A disturbed night was to be expected.

We saw the New Year in, watching the fireworks from London and then part of the Madness Concert. It was boy 01:00 before we finally went to bed. Jasper, therefore, was not our best friend when he started to use the Gorse Fox as a tramline at 07:00. There was no getting away from it, however, and he got up.

There were a few chores to clear in the morning and the traditional checking of the utility meters. (A tradition for the first day of every month). The Gorse Fox was pleased to see quite a drop in usage over the last month in comparison to the same period last year. He has no idea why!

Urban-Cub and Ellie turned up to spend the rest of the day with us. This gave the Gorse Fox and Urban-Cub an opportunity to wade through the spreadsheet that we use to manage Ellie's care. It took a while to check it all out and get the plans for the next couple of months in place. Eventually it was done, printed, and agreed.

Urban-Cub and Ellie stayed for lunch and dinner, then with Ellie washed and ready for bed they headed home. It has been a nice start to the year.

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