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Saturday, March 13, 2021


 It's been an immensely quiet and relaxing day. The weather has been mixed. Bright sunshine, high winds, heavy rain, have all taken their turns and it is fairly chilly out.

The Gorse Fox's focus has, again, been the family tree. This was stimulated by another Zoom call with his cousins this morning. He must say that he wishes he had got to know them all when he was much younger. They really are a very nice bunch of people and a result of the call he has burrowed further into their section of the tree. This has taken much of the day and revealed that his twin cousins were not an anomaly as, tracing back through their ancestors, we find that that their 2nd great grandmother had triplets and two sets of twins (among her brood of 14 children).

One of the nice features of the cousins' Zoom calls is that they usually have a theme.Each weelk they set a theme to be discussed the following week. Recent themes have included a music playlist for the family, a movie playlist, and coming up we have a dinner party guest list. They are expected to suggest 6 guests to attend a dinner party. As one cousin said about another's "special needs" she will have to treat her Bee Gees obsession as one single tricephalous guest. Another wanted to extend that idea to all of the Orcs from Lord of the Rings (which, needless to say, made the family movie list).

The Gorse Fox got a message from Urban-Cub. She needed to know the size of her garden. This is not the sort of information the Gorse Fox has at his finger tips (yet). He wandered round the corner with his laser device. Twenty minutes later we had all the relevant measurements to the nearest millimetre. The Gorse Fox knew it would come in useful!

As a rul, on Saturday, the Gorse Fox has a Tadka Dahl. This is usually a pre-prepared dish from M&S. This week we failed to order one. The Gorse Fox raided his spice mixes and created his own. It was delicious and was loosely based on an East African mix used heavily in Ethiopia. He modified it by adding extra vegetables (carrots, green peppers, celery, and spinach), but was delighted that there was sufficient left to freeze and use next week.

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