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Saturday, March 27, 2021


 The day started with the regular weekly call with the Gorse Fox's cousins. As usual, it was a bit of a hoot, though some were experiencing connection problems. The draft of the book that the Gorse Fox had sent has gone down well. He now awaits feedback, photos, and more stories.

In the meantime, his task of rationalising addresses and places in Family Tree Maker continues. There are some 1600 items to check, so it is somewhat time consuming. Worse still, some of the places refer to locations or streets that no longer exist. This means bring to track them down on old maps and then entering the GPS coordinates. The Gorse Fox has been at it all day, but suggests that there are still many hundreds to go.

We had a nice long chat with Tinkerbell on the doorstep this afternoon. The Gorse Fox made his excuses and left the Silver Vixen to it when they got onto the subject of hairdressers and hair colouring.

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