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Thursday, March 04, 2021

Arboreal pursuits

 There's not really a lot to discuss today. It was fairly usual for a Thursday... walking Ellie to pre-school, taking in the Ocado shopping, then going to do the top-up shop. Hardly world shattering news!

Most of the rest of the day was spent working on the family tree website again. The Gorse Fox has made some more significant steps forward and now he just needs to concentrate on updating or adding content, rather than the structure and navigation. The Gorse Fox tends to document how he has approached some of the aspects of managing the website. One was so obscure (a feature of Joomla, no the Gorse Fox's design) that he decided he couldn't write it up sensibly. He decided the only way to document it for the future was to do a screen recording of the process, and file it with his other documentation.

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