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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Just stuff

 It has been a very quiet day. There was a short, but well-timed, trip to Sainsbury's. Though he walked straight in, by the time the Gorse Fox left, there was a queue all the way along the front of the store and round the corner.

Back home he put up some shadow boxes for the Silver Vixen in Ellie's bedroom and then retired to the study while the Silver Vixen pottered in here sewing room.

The Gorse Fox had received an email from a lady (let's call her Jen) who has a derivative of the Gorse Fox's family name. As such she had found his website and found herself and her family listed. Her email complained that the Gorse Fox should redact living people or people less that 100 years old. The Gorse Fox agreed, explaining that he doesn't edit the submissions, when received. It took him a while to go through and make the changes. Eventually, it was done and the updated page published. The Gorse Fox then had great pleasure in writing back to her to say that the changes had been applied... and, by the way, you were the person that submitted the original pre-formatted submission!

In other news, the Silver Vixen has now received her invitation for the vaccine. She is booked in for Monday, but will accompany the Gorse Fox tomorrow on the offchance that she can get it done at the same time.

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