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Sunday, February 28, 2021


 Well that's another day of decent weather that the Gorse Fox has squandered by getting engrossed in some code for the family tree website. It started off simply enough with a small tweak to yesterday's program. Then it occurred to the Gorse Fox that the same program, with an extension to the logic, could serve two purposes. So it was that much of the rest of the day was spent at the keyboard. The Gorse Fox is very pleased with the outcome and, in his plan to subsume many old pages to Joomla, this will make a huge difference.

The Silver Vixen has finished the project she had been working on. The book rack now has some custom-designed pockets that are actually deep enough to hold the books.

It has been so nice this afternoon that we have spent some time sitting out in the garden, in our shirtsleeves, enjoying the sunshine. That's not something you expect to do in February. 

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