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Friday, February 26, 2021


 It has been a quiet day at home. It was very cold overnight, but we have had bright sunshine throughout the day. Urban-Cub had managed to change her shift so that Ellie was at home with her last night though she did drop off some stuff for the weekend as she took Ellie to DD.

The Gorse Fox spent most of the day with the family tree and the family website. The issue was finding a good way to update the website with data from the latest version of Family Tree Maker. In the end, the Gorse Fox decided that exporting the data as a CSV file and then writing a program to edit it the way he would want was the best solution. It only took about an hour but we now have a mechanism to take exports from FTM and turn them into web pages displaying descendant trees.

Once this was done the Gorse Fox looked at updating the website itself. Again, this took a little while and meant accessing it from the Linux machine "Eagle". The relevant parts of the family were duly changed and the website (for that family) is now up to date.

This triggered a series of thoughts in the Gorse Fox's addled brain. He is now wondering if there is a better way of hosting the family website. (Better in terms of maintenance, rather than how it is displayed). He has been experimenting this afternoon, but has come to no conclusions.

We collected Ellie from DD and, once home, she played in the garden. It was positively Spring-like out there. Urban-Cub managed to get away from work early so snuck-in to surprise her longe before she was expected. They have now gone back home, and Ellie is due to spend  the weekend with Pistol Pete.

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