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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Just Pottering

 It was very wet overnight and the rain was still hammering down when it was time for Ellie to go to Dizzy Ducklings. Urban-Cub decided that, discretion being the better part of valour, she would take her in the car. The Gorse Fox’s early morning walk was “stood down”. 

We had a number of bits and pieces on the schedule, but nothing outstanding. The Gorse Fox dismantled Ellie’s cot-bed to make room for a full sized bed which is due tomorrow. She had clearly outgrown the old cot-bed. The Silver Vixen set about getting the (new) bedding for the new bed washed.

Still aware that Urban-Cub has a a big task ahead at work, the Gorse Fox spent a little more time looking for some apps that may help. He came across Trello. This rang a bell, and the Gorse Fox realised that he had seen it discussed recently by some of his old Starfleet colleagues. He signed up and installed the app. The next hour or so was spent trying to get to grips with how it works and how best it could be used by Urban-Cub. In the end he was very impressed by its simplicity of approach. He told Urban-Cub and it is now installed on her iPhone and iPad.

I popped round to Urban-Cub to put up a rack for her letters and keys. While there, the alarms went off again. Clearly, the fault was not caused by the units themselves. After the Gorse Fox left she contacted the site electrician again. We await a resolution.

The Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox met up with Urban-Cub again later and walked down to Dizzy Ducklings to collect Ellie, then leaving them to go their home, we went home and had a quiet afternoon until it was time to go out to “Clap for Cpt Tom”

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