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Monday, February 15, 2021


The Gorse Fox was awake early. Not early compared to his working days, but early for his retirement Five o'clock should only be seen at the other end of the day. Ellie was next to stir, just after six. Again, the provision of the Gorse Fox's tablet and YouTube Kids kept her amused until we were ready to get up, at seven. She was scheduled to go to LA to spend the day with her child-minder, so we got things underway and headed off.

Once back home we both pottered about until a delivery van arrived with a small storage unit for the Silver Vixen's sewing room. It was remarkably heavy for its size so the Gorse Fox took it upstairs bit by bit. The next hour or so was spent assembling the unit. (Obviously the manufacturer read the Gorse Fox's blog - each part was labelled, and all of the fixings were packaged in separate, labelled, ziplock bags - there was no doubt what was what). The Silver Vixen's room is coming together, and with luck she'll soon be able to make full use of it.

It's been a quiet afternoon. Urban-Cub finished work mid-afternoon and went across to collect Ellie and take her home for dinner. She'll be back with us overnight as Urban-Cub has another very early start.

Just on a side note: neither the Silver Vixen nor the Gorse Fox have had any after effects whatsoever from yesterday's vaccination. We just need to let the antibodies build up in the body.

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