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Sunday, November 08, 2020

Where? Oh yes!

 A bit of a lie-in to start the day. Then the Gorse Fox tried to grab his phone as he got out of bed. Doh! This has gone on throughout the day as he has gone to pick up his phone as he went hither and thither. Never mind, he has had confirmation that the replacement has been dispatched and will be delivered tomorrow.

At eleven o'clock we gathered on the doorstep to observe the minute of silence in Remembrance of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today. Afterwards, we stood, socially distant, from the neighbours and all had a good chinwag.

Urban-cub's job hunt has continued. Somehow this involved the Gorse Fox when it came to some maths aptitude tests. Not that she couldn't do them, but she was on a clock and wanted a second pair of eyes to check.

It's been very dull and grey today (though it has been dry). The idea of a walk didn't seem so enticing, but the Gorse Fox resolved to do the Shripney loop. Somehow the opportunities for photos were fewer, but the Gorse Fox persevered (with his camera instead of his phone!!!). The flat grey sky was such a contrast from the bright blue of the last few days and flattened all the colours.

As he approached the point where the old highway is bisected by the new bypass, he could see along the rife. A squadron of swans was making its way along the channel, oblivious to the traffic running a few yards to one side.

It had been noticeable how much more traffic there had been today, compared with yesterday. Having said that, there seemed to be a lot fewer walkers than either Kingley Vale yesterday or the Shripney loop on Friday.

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