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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Beating the forecast

 It was a mild and fairly bright morning but the forecast suggested that rain would set in during the afternoon. Urban-Cub and the Gorse Fox walked Ellie round to Dizzy Ducklings then cam back and finished our own breakfast.

The Silver Vixen had her Zoom Pilates booked for late morning. Urban-Cub had some food shopping to do and the Gorse Fox was planning to go for a walk. As the morning wore on we all broke off for our various activities.

The Gorse Fox headed out towards Aldwick, down West Meads Drive, down to West Park and along the promenade. The tide was on its way out, so it wasn't as impressive as last time. The promenade was, however, still littered with debris.

There seemed to be a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" going on as flocks of herring gulls clustered, swooped, and soared in one small area along the route.  The Gorse Fox kept going and passed the pier.
The clouds were beginning to thicken and as he continued he saw less and less of the sun. He looped through the town centre and out past the railway station. From there he, again, zigged and zagged down some roads he hadn't previously explored. By the time he got home, he was nicely aglow and had tucked about 8.5km under his belt.

Walking in the door, the Gorse Fox was greeted by Jasper wanting his lunch. By the time that was dished up, the rain had started. He had timed it all to perfection. (His new waterproof trousers arrived this afternoon, so he's set for future bad weather).

As Ellie will be with Pistol Pete over the weekend, she won't be around for the Silver Vixen's birthday. The Silver Vixen has been banished to the front room, and Urban-Cub and Ellie are preparing a birthday treat for later this afternoon. The Gorse Fox is staying clear for the moment, so that they can get it all done without distraction.

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