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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A bit bitty

 The Gorse Fox had to flash (all right, splutter) into action yesterday evening. Urban-Cub phoned. She was meant to be collecting Ellie but as she had pulled up at the child-minder's she caught the side of her front tyre and ripped a hole in it. The car was going nowhere! The Gorse Fox had to drive across to LA and collect them. Urban-Cub has managed to arrange for the new tyre to be fitted on Wednesday morning so has been without a car today.

After taking Ellie to pre-school this morning the Gorse Fox took Urban-Cub across to Sainsbury's for some shopping. As they ask people to go in alone, the Gorse Fox made use of the time marching round the car park. By the time Urban-Cub emerged the Gorse Fox had walked over two miles (and received some very funny looks from people waiting in their cars). Urban-Cub, meanwhile, had managed to pick up a couple of bags of shopping for Ellie's lunches (though the bottles of wine may not have been for her).

The new SIM and protective cover for the Gorse Fox's replacement phone haven't yet turned up. Until the SIM arrives he can't finish setting the phone up so at the moment it is fine at home connected to WiFi where some functions work well and even when out and about... but it's still not doing the basic function of being a phone!

After Ellie had been collected from Dizzy Ducklings (pre-school) the Silver Vixen sat on the floor and played with the Lego with her. The Gorse Fox took the opportunity to head out for another walk.

The sun was dropping towards the horizon and the temperature was starting to drop with it. There were plenty of dog-walkers about but it was peaceful. The Gorse Fox didn't go too far but enjoyed the chance to stretch his legs.

If you choose the right routes, it really is very picturesque round here.

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