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Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Gin clear

 We woke up this morning to a slight frost and gin-clear skies. It was crystal clear and was destined to be a lovely (if cool) day. Urban-Cub took Ellie along to pre-school and the Silver Vixen headed off to Pilates. The Gorse Fox followed soon after, on his way to football. It was the last scheduled game until the lockdown is over.

Again, the teams were very lopsided. All of the very mobile attackers on one side, and the Gorse Fox and several less mobile players on the other. The Gorse Fox was pinned to back as tried to stem the waves of attacks. He managed to intercept and block many of the shots, but some got through. By half-time we were 2-0 down. In the second-half we shipped three more goals (one a penalty), but did manage to score two in response. It was a frustrating last game, in that there were so few opportunities to range forward and really stretch the legs. Having said that, the sunshine was lovely and it was really quite warm.

Cousteau-Cub and the Coventry Hobbit popped i during the afternoon. The idea was that they would go along with Urban-Cub to collect Ellie from pre-school. She was thrilled that they had come to meet her. They stopped with us for an hour or so, then, waving goodbye for a month, said goodbye and drove home to Chichester.

The skies are crystal clear again tonight, so the Gorse Fox suspects that it will be frosty again.

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