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Friday, November 06, 2020

Gorgeous Autumn Day

 We've had, yet another, gorgeous Autumn day. It was cold overnight, but not as cold as last yesterday. The sun was up and the sky had been painted a pale blue. The Gorse Fox had a quiet 30 minutes before Ellie emerged and then the Silver Vixen and Urban-Cub.

The morning was spent with various domestic activities. The first was to check the Accounts. It was a good job the Gorse Fox did check. Two payments that he made earlier in the week had melted back into the account. The outgoing transaction for one was shown, and then re-credited to the account this morning. The other had disappeared entirely as if the Gorse Fox never paid it. (the balance was restored and the payment just vanished). This took some sorting out, but hopefully both payments are now fulfilled.

The Silver Vixen was pottering in the garden when the Gorse Fox finished. He got on with various tasks he had been sitting on... tightening a loose door handle, fixing a hinge that wouldn't lock, and dismantling and cleaning the heads on the Dyson.

This afternoon he managed to escape for another walk. On a day such as today, to would have been a shame not to.

He chose the Shripney loop again. It was surprising how much quieter the traffic was on the first part of the walk. The lockdown is clearly having some impact on traffic flows. There was an easterly breeze which was cool for the first part but once he had changed direction and the wind was behind him, he didn't even notice. He passed a few other walkers as he looped round, but not many.

The sun was low in the sky and, even wearing sunglasses, the Gorse Fox had to squint. It was such a lovely walk.

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