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Thursday, November 05, 2020

Cold and crisp

It was crisp and cold overnight. The skies were, again, crystal clear and beautifully blue. The underfloor heating had kicked in for the first time this autumn (which shows how well insulted we are, that it has held off until now).

The Gorse Fox and Urban-Cub took Ellie to pre-school. She clearly loves at she couldn’t get there quickly enough. The Gorse Fox asked her if she had geography or history this morning. She returned a withering look and said “Grandpa, you are so silly!”

After Ocado had delivered the week’s shopping the Silver Vixen came with the Gorse Fox to Sainsbury’s. She had cards and so forth that were needed over the next month, while the Gorse Fox had various bits to pick up which weren’t available from Ocado (or items he preferred to hand pick).

The Gorse Fox went for a walk at lunchtime. He parked at West Park, then walked along the promenade, past the pier, and onwards. 

The sea was like a mill-pond - so different from when he was there at the weekend. He was struck by the shades of blue is the sky and the sea. There weren’t too many people out and about, but those that were out were making the most of a nice walk. As he walked he passed the Bognor Beacon. Council workman were swarming all over it and giving it a good clean. By the time the Gorse Fox returned, the Beacon was alight. It was probably just a test, but it was nice to see it alight against the bright blue sky.

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